Thursday, September 1, 2016

Of the 10,000 Syrian Refugees Obama Just Admitted Into The Country, Only 0.47 Percent Are Christians

By:    John Binder

Of the over 10,000 Syrian refugees President Obama has admitted into the country, against the will of the people, only a tiny fraction are Christians, while the vast majority are followers of Islam.

Only 0.47 percent (47 refugees) of those admitted into the country are Christian, while the other more than 95 percent are either Shi’a Muslim, Sunni Muslim or just simply identified as “Muslim,” according to CNS News.

The vast majority of the Syrian refugees permitted to resettle in the United States are Sunni Muslims – 9,726 of the 9,902, or 98.2 percent. Another 20 are Shi’a Muslims, and a further 85 are identified in the data simply as Muslims.
The 47 Christians comprise seven Catholics, four Protestants, six Orthodox, one Greek Orthodox and 29 refugees self-reported simply as “Christian.”
Apart from the Muslims and Christians, others admitted during FY 2016 are 14 Yazidis, four Jehovah’s Witnesses, five refugees identified as “other religion,” and one as having “no religion.”

The Hayride reported how particular states close to Louisiana have become full-on dumping grounds for Obama’s Syrian refugee project, which GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump strictly opposes, citing the security risks that come along with accepting un-vetted refugees.

Detroit, Michigan will become a new home for a massive Muslim refugee community, much like Minneapolis. More than a 10th of the 10,000 refugees being brought into the country are going to Michigan.

Likewise, California has taken in more than 1,000 Syrian refugees, while Arizona and Texas have both taken more than 700 refugees each.

Detroit, Michigan will become a new home for a massive Muslim refugee community, much like Minneapolis. More than a 10th of the 10,000 refugees being brought into the country are going to Michigan.

Likewise, California has taken in more than 1,000 Syrian refugees, while Arizona and Texas have both taken more than 700 refugees each.

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